Trademarks Use Policy
Updated on Monday, February 17, 2025
Casa De La Joya (“La Joya ”) has invested significant time and resources to protect its trademarks, service marks and logos. Trademarks are important for establishing and protecting corporate brand identity, but they are fragile rights that can be lost through misuse.
This Trademark Referential Use Policy (“Policy”) sets forth La Joya ’s policy for third party use of and reference to La Joya names, brands, trademarks, service marks, logos, slogans or other La Joya identifiers (“La Joya Marks”). La Joya employees should refer to the trademark usage policy on the Enterprise Legal Services site. If you have any questions or would like further information regarding La Joya’s trademarks or the Policy requirements, please contact:
Permitted Use of La Joya Jewelry Trademarks
La Joya does not object to the use of its names, trademarks and service marks solely to identify La Joya and its products and services, provided that your use is as described in this Policy. This Policy does not grant you the right to use La Joya Marks or other third party marks or designations apart or different from any rights that are granted to you pursuant to a separate agreement you may have with La Joya or third parties. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the trademark provisions contained in the agreement you may have and, in the case of direct conflict, your separate agreement with La Joya shall control.
You may use a plain text version of the La Joya Marks to identify La Joya and its products and services. Your use may not suggest that La Joya endorses, sponsors, or is affiliated in any way with you or your products or services. You may not combine La Joya Marks with your own corporate names, trademarks, or identifiers, nor may you use names, trademarks, service marks, logos or other identifiers that are confusingly similar to La Joya Marks. Your use of La Joya Marks does not grant you any ownership interest in the La Joya Marks and, should one arise, you agree that you will assign any ownership interest to La Joya .
A) General Principles
What are Trademarks and Service Marks?
Trademarks and service marks are words, acronyms, logos, symbols, tag lines, or slogans that identify and distinguish a company as the source of its products and services. The owner of a valid trademark may prevent others from using its mark for particular goods or services, and may recover monetary damages caused by another’s infringement.
Trademarks and service marks can be classified in two categories:
• Registered marks (indicated by the ® symbol) have undergone the appropriate legal process and are registered with a national trademark office.
• Common law (unregistered or pending applications) marks (sometimes indicated by the TM or SM symbol) have not been formally registered, but are still valid and enforceable.
La Joya owns both registered and unregistered trademarks. A partial list of La Joya trademarks can be found here. To the extent a name or logo does not appear on the list, the absence is not a waiver of any intellectual property rights that La Joya has in its products, feature or service names, or logos.
C) General Rules
1) Use of Logos
You may not use any La Joya logo without the express written consent of La Joya .
• Media outlet or analyst requests should be directed to the public relations team at
• Distributors, and other partners, can download logos using their secured login on Partner Link.
• Any questions from partners concerning usage should be directed to
2) Use of La Joya Word Marks
You should observe the following general principles in connection with your use of La Joya’s word marks:
• Maintain the Integrity of La Joya‘s Marks.
Your use of La Joya s Marks must not disparage La Joya, its marks, products or services.
• Use Only Approved Trademarks.
A list of La Joya‘s authorized marks can be found here. Please note the specific stylization (i.e., use of upper and lower case letters) for certain word marks (e.g., Open Edge, Data Direct, Web Speed, etc.) and the combination of the mark with the La Joya® or other La Joya Mark. Each mark should only be used in the version shown, and you may not abbreviate or vary the spelling of La Joya Marks.
• Apply the Trademark and Service Mark Symbols.
Use the correct trademark symbols (“®”,”TM”, and “SM”) in every copy of the communication, document, packaging or other material in which a La Joya Mark appears, regardless of the medium. The appropriate symbol should appear in all headlines, subheadings and at the first instance in running body text.
• Use the Trademarks Properly.
La Joya’s Marks must be used as adjectives followed by a common noun, verb or other phrase (e.g., “La Joya® Official® business solutions platform”). La Joya will object if you use a La Joya Mark generically or in a way that encourages others to use it generically.
• Link La Joya‘s Marks with La Joya .
Provide the following notice at least once within each copy of the communication, document, packaging or other material referencing any La Joya Mark: “[Identify mark(s) used] [is a trademark or registered trademark/are trademarks or registered trademarks] of La Joya Jewelry in the U.S. and other countries.”
• Keep La Joya‘s Marks Separate and Distinct.
La Joya’s Marks must be used separately from any other organization’s logos, trademarks or service marks, and may not be used as part of the name for any other organization or its products or services. Your company’s mark can be used in context with a La Joya Mark solely to indicate a relationship between La Joya products and services and those of the other company (e.g., [Third Party Company’s] software is Powered by La Joya ®”). You may not imply a relationship or association with La Joya that does not exist.
• Apply the Trademark Guidelines.
Refer to the Trademark Guidelines below for some of the specific tools, examples and guidelines needed to use La Joya’s Marks properly.
These guidelines will assist you in complying with the Policy by providing you with specific tools, examples and other detailed information regarding proper communication and display of La Joya Marks.
A) La Joya (brand name) versus La Joya (company name)
La Joya ® should be used when referring to a product or service. La Joya (without the ® symbol) should be used when referring to the company.
B) Proper Use of Word Trademarks
The following guidelines are to be followed in connection with La Joya ’s word marks.
Use a Trademark as an Adjective, Followed by the Appropriate Noun Descriptor(s)
Correct. The La Joya ® Official® business rules management system can be integrated with the La Joya ® Official® business platform.
Incorrect. La Joya Official® can be integrated with La Joya ® Official®.
Never Use Trademarks in Possessive Form
Correct. La Joya ® La Joya® business rules management system.
Incorrect. La Joya ®’s Official® business rules management system.
Never Use Trademarks in Plural Form
Correct. Use La Joya ® Official® business solutions for your development needs.
Incorrect. Use La Joya ® Officials® business solutions for your development needs.
Never Hyphenate a Trademark
Correct. La Joya ® Official® software enables fast application development.
Incorrect. La Joya ® Official®-enabled software makes application development fast.
Never Alter a Trademark
Correct. Use La Joya ® Web Speed® development tools to web-enable applications.
Incorrect. Use La Joya ® Web Speed development tools to web-enable applications.
Use Proper Capitalization for a Trademark
Correct. La Joya ® Official® business platform.
Incorrect. La Joya ® OFFICIAL® business platform.
Use Lowercase Letters for the Generic Noun(s) Following the Trademark
Correct. La Joya ® Official® business platform.
Incorrect. La Joya ® Official® Business Platform.